Fenix3 英文测试版固件更新 6.05

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【图文】刷Fenix3 Beta版固件教程,仅限英文版




Changes made from version 4.70 to 6.05:

  • Added Ascent and Descent elevation alerts (Settings > Apps > Alerts > Elevation).
  • Added support for 'repeating' sports in a multisport profile (Settings > Apps > Multi Sport Profile > Repeat). This is useful for events such as 'Swimrun'. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swimrun).
  • Added support for on device course creation (Navigation > Courses). New data fields such as next waypoint, distance to next waypoint, ETA to next waypoint, ETE to next waypoint etc. were introduced in conjunction with this feature.
  • Added new Hands and Background analog watch face options (requires Display firmware version 2.90).
  • Added support for CIQ 1.1.4.
  • Improved ability to detect time zone changes without a GPS fix (requires connection to Garmin Connect Mobile app and time set to 'Auto' on device, Settings > System > Time > Set Time).
  • Improved pool swim distance algorithm (see beta release notes above).
  • Fixed issue with storing a large number of saved locations.
  • Fixed potential issue when receiving a large number of notifications using iOS 9.



  • For any issues that you encounter, please include [Device s/w version, Issue, Steps to Reproduce, Did this issue exist in the last stable s/w version, Any additional details related to the reported issue] and email to fenix3.beta@garmin.com. Please note that you may not get a response to the email, unless we need more information on the issue you report.
  • Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.




  • 微信:Mingtel
  • 微信二维码名片
  • weinxin
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  • weinxin
佳明开发者 | www.garmindev.cn



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