- A+
版本更新说明 3.20~4.00:
- 增加了对CIQ SDK 1.3.4的支持
- 添加对LiveTrack自动启动的支持。在Garmin Connect Mobile应用程序(更多> LiveTrack)上启用后,LiveTrack会话将在用户开始活动时自动启动。
- 改进了应用设置编辑体验。
- 心率历史小部件上改善的心率一致性。
- 修正了在活动期间用户卡路里可能下降到0的潜在问题。
- 修复了用户VO2最大值和性能条件值受非运行和自行车活动影响的潜在问题。 (例如:Walk,Hike,SUP等)
- 修复了虚拟合作伙伴节奏在多活动活动期间可能发生变化的潜在问题。
- 修复了阻止自动Foot pod校准的问题。
- 修正了一个潜在的问题,即不是为靠近海平面的某些用户生成VO2 Max。
- 修复了在Garmin Connect中未显示航迹日志的潜在问题。
- 增加了对CIQ SDK 1.3.4的支持。
- 提高LiveTrack自动启动功能的可靠性。
- 修正了一个潜在的问题,即不是为靠近海平面的某些用户生成VO2 Max。
- 修复了某些智能通知在设备上显示为空白的潜在问题。
- 修正了我们尝试显示某些iOS日历通知的无效日期/时间的潜在问题。
- 修正了一个潜在的问题,其中无效数据将在池游泳期间输入活动FIT文件,如果一个人快速连续按lap按钮。
- 修正了一个潜在的问题,一些数据被剪辑在特定的表面上。 (需要显示FW v3.60)
- 修正了在活动期间用户卡路里可能下降到0的潜在问题。
- 修正了一个潜在的问题,即用户VO2最大值和性能条件值受到非运行和自行车活动的影响。 (例如:Walk,Hike,SUP)。
- 固定问题阻止自动Foot pod校准
- 修复了当前应用缺少应用设置的潜在问题
- 修复了在多活动活动期间虚拟合作伙伴节奏更改的潜在问题
- 添加对CIQ SDK 1.3.3的支持
- 心率历史小部件上改善的心率一致性
- 通过删除手腕HR准备好通知来提高活动开始时的用户体验
- 改进了应用设置编辑体验
- 修正了高尔夫球场列表页面上的UI问题
- 修复了将不正确的HRV数据记录到FIT文件的问题
- 修复了一个问题,其中Garmin Connect Mobile显示非常高的强度分钟值
- 提高了DogTrack小部件的可用性。
- 改进了对新的Garmin Face-It移动应用程序的支持,可以创建带有照片的Connect IQ手表表面。
- 通过添加状态图标来改进DogTrack小部件,以指示狗是跋涉还是点。
- 修复了DogTrack小部件上的单元与系统单元设置不同步的问题。
- 修复了体育周刊和每月总列表项目突出显示的问题,即使它们不可选择。
- 修复了通过支持Connect IQ 1.3 SDK的应用编写开发人员数据时的潜在问题。
- 添加了对“查找我的手表”的支持。 (Garmin Connect移动应用>更多> Garmin设备>已连接设备>查找我的设备)
- 修正了一个潜在的问题,其中强度分钟将重置在某一人口的午夜。
- 在锁定前改善腕部心率显示响应性。
- 改进了游泳训练的最后一段时间的警告警报。
- 改进心率图窗口小部件上的数据缩放。
- 更新了跟踪器窗口小部件子页面的背景颜色,并使它们与其他窗口小部件一致。
- 更新了“最后游泳”小部件以显示开放水域游泳活动的速度。
- 改善了狗跟踪器部件的用户体验。
- 修正了步骤目标警报通知没有创建氛围的问题。
- 修正了CIQ表面在转换之间闪烁的潜在问题。
- 提高桨运动的速度
- 修复了狗跟踪窗口小部件中的资产箭头的问题
- 修复了循环电源差异的问题
- Connect IQ 1.3的各种错误修复
- 增加了在活动期间广播手腕心率数据的支持。 (设置>传感器>手腕心率>广播HR>在应用程序中)
- 添加了CIQ 1.3 SDK的其他改进。
- 改善手腕心率表现。 (升级到2.61 - GUP2415.GCD)
- 修正了无效字元显示在圈子横幅网页上的潜在问题。
- 修正了高尔夫记分卡的潜在问题。
- 修正了强度分钟计算的潜在问题。
- 修正了在使用HRM-Tri或HRM游泳后,卡路里数据未正确记录在后续活动中的问题。
- 添加了非本地音乐应用程序的iOS音乐和音量控制。
- 在Garmin Connect Mobile应用程序上查看时,提高了24/7心率数据的精确度。
- 提高地板爬升数据的响应能力。
- 固定的问题,人们会看到心率小部件上的小跌。
- 增加了对狗跟踪器部件的支持。
- 增加了对CIQ SDK 1.3的支持
- 改善睡眠运动如何影响强度分钟计算。
- 修正了一个问题,其中一个问号显示在游泳锻炼表演页面上。
- 修正了高尔夫摘要资讯可能有误的问题。
- 修复了当使用某些CIQ应用程序时,UI元素显示为粗体的问题。
- 修复了人力资源广播页面上显示问号的问题。
- 修正了游泳锻炼的潜在问题,当休息时间间隔是所述锻炼的最后一步时。
- 修复了一个问题,其中强度分钟将重置为0后手表电源循环。
- 修复了在运行CIQ应用程序时可以启动导航活动的问题。
- 修复了在运行CIQ应用程序时可以访问特定FIT运动/子运动内容的活动设置的问题。
- 修复了使用电源键时背光不会亮起的问题。
- 修正高尔夫记分卡显示已舍弃记分卡的值的问题。
- 修复翻译错误。
- 修复了时间模式被Connect覆盖的问题,特别是使用军事时间设置。
Changes made from version 3.20 to 4.00:
- Added support for CIQ SDK 1.3.4
- Added support for LiveTrack Auto Start. Once enabled on the Garmin Connect Mobile app (More > LiveTrack), the LiveTrack session will be automatically started when the user begins an activity.
- Improved the app settings editing experience.
- Improved Heart Rate consistency on the Heart Rate history widget.
- Fixed a potential issue where the users calories could drop to 0 during an activity.
- Fixed a potential issue where users VO2 max and Performance Condition values were getting affected with non-Run and Bike activities. (Ex: Walk, Hike, SUP etc.)
- Fixed a potential issue where the Virtual Partner pace could change during a multisport activity.
- Fixed an issue preventing automatic Foot Pod calibration.
- Fixed a potential issue where VO2 Max was not being generated for certain users living close to sea level.
- Fixed a potential issue where track log is not shown in Garmin Connect.
- Added support for CIQ SDK 1.3.4.
- Improved reliability of LiveTrack Auto Start functionality.
- Fixed a potential issue where VO2 Max was not being generated for certain users living close to sea level.
- Fixed a potential issue where certain smart notifications would show up blank on the device.
- Fixed a potential issue where we would attempt to display an invalid date/time for certain iOS calendar notifications.
- Fixed a potential issue where invalid data would be entered in the activity FIT file during a pool swim, if one were to press the lap button in quick succession.
- Fixed a potential issue where some data was getting clipped on a particular watch face. (Requires Display FW v3.60)
- Fixed a potential issue where the users calories could drop to 0 during an activity.
- Fixed a potential issue where users VO2 max and performance condition values were getting affected with non-Run and Bike activities. (Ex: Walk, Hike, SUP).
- Fixed issue preventing automatic Foot Pod calibration
- Fixed potential issue with missing app settings for the current app
- Fixed potential issue with Virtual Partner paces changing during a multisport activity
- Added support for CIQ SDK 1.3.3
- Improved Heart Rate consistency on the Heart Rate history widget
- Improved the user experience at the start of an activity by removing the Wrist HR ready notification
- Improved the app settings editing experience
- Fixed a UI issue on the golf course list page
- Fixed an issue where incorrect HRV data was being logged to the FIT file
- Fixed an issue where Garmin Connect Mobile was displaying very high Intensity Minutes values
- Improved the usability of the DogTrack widget.
- Improved support for the new Garmin Face-It mobile app, enabling creation of a Connect IQ watch face with a photo.
- Improved the DogTrack widget by adding status icons to indicate whether a dog is treed or on point.
- Fixed an issue where the units on the DogTrack widget were not in sync with the system unit settings.
- Fixed an issue where the sport weekly and monthly total list items were getting highlighted even though they are not selectable.
- Fixed a potential issue with writing developer data through apps that support the Connect IQ 1.3 SDK.
- Added support for 'Find My Watch'. (Garmin Connect Mobile App > More > Garmin Devices > Connected Device > Find My Device)
- Fixed a potential issue where intensity minutes would reset at midnight for a certain population.
- Improved wrist heart rate display responsiveness prior to lock.
- Improved the warning alert for the last length of a swim workout.
- Improved scaling of data on the heart rate graph widget.
- Updated the background color of the tracker widget sub-pages and made them consistent with other widgets.
- Updated the Last Swim widget to display pace for open water swim activities.
- Improved the user experience of the dog tracker widget.
- Fixed an issue where step goal alert notifications were not creating a vibe.
- Fixed a potential issue where the CIQ watch face would flicker in between transitions.
- Improved pace for paddle sports
- Fixed issue with asset arrow in dog tracking widget
- Fixed issue with cycling power discrepancies
- Various bug fixes for Connect IQ 1.3
- Added support for broadcasting wrist heart rate data during an activity. (Settings > Sensors > Wrist Heart Rate > Broadcast HR > In App)
- Added additional improvements for CIQ 1.3 SDK.
- Improved wrist heart rate performance. (upgrade to 2.61 - GUP2415.GCD)
- Fixed a potential issue where invalid characters were being shown on the lap banner page.
- Fixed a potential issue with golf scorecards.
- Fixed a potential issue with intensity minutes calculations.
- Fixed an issue where calorie data was not being recorded correctly on the subsequent activity, after using an HRM-Tri or HRM-Swim.
- Added music and volume controls for iOS with non-native music apps.
- Improved the precision of 24/7 heart rate data, when being viewed on the Garmin Connect Mobile app.
- Improved the responsiveness of floors climbed data.
- Fixed issue where one would see small dropouts on the heart rate widget.
- Added support for the dog tracker widget.
- Added support for CIQ SDK 1.3
- Improved how sleep movement could impact intensity minutes calculations.
- Fixed an issue where a question mark was being displayed on the swim workout reps page.
- Fixed an issue where the golf summary information could be incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where UI elements would appear to be bold when using certain CIQ apps.
- Fixed an issue where a question mark was being displayed on the HR broadcast page.
- Fixed a potential issue with swim workouts, when the rest interval is the final step of the said workout.
- Fixed an issue where intensity minutes would reset to 0 after power cycling the watch.
- Fixed an issue where one could start a navigation activity while running a CIQ app.
- Fixed an issue where one could access activity settings for a particular FIT sport/sub sport profile, while running a CIQ app.
- Fixed an issue where the backlight would not come on when using the power key.
- Fixed an issue where the golf scorecard was displaying values from a discarded scorecard.
- Fixed translation bugs.
- Fixed an issue where the time mode was getting over-written by Connect, especially using the Military time setting.
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2016年11月8日 19:46 沙发
2016年11月27日 18:37 板凳
2016年12月5日 14:53 地板