- A+
fenix/D2/tactix software version 5.00
Changes made from version 4.80 to 5.00:
- Fixed issue with cadence values shown when viewing an Activity on Garmin Connect.
Changes made from version 4.70 to 4.80:
- Improved smart notification formatting
- Improved communication with Garmin Connect Mobile
- Fixed elapsed time calculation for long activities
- Fixed possible issue with long activities missing data
- Fixed issues with compass calibration
- Fixed average power balance calculation
Changes made from version 4.50 to 4.70:
- Added support for Android Smart Notifications
Changes made from version 4.40 to 4.50:
- Added support for Android version of Garmin Connect Mobile app (automatic uploads, LiveTrack, faster GPS from downloaded satellite data file, ability to download Courses and Workouts)
- Fixed potential issues with workout alerts
Changes made from version 4.00 to 4.40:
- Added ability to determine speed, distance, cadence and steps in Indoor mode (when no Foot Pod is present). Enable in Setup > System > GPS Mode > Indoor. Auto calibration occurs in Normal GPS Mode when FIT Activity is set to Running
- Added a 'Ski-Snowboard' profile. Select this profile to enable a new alpine/downhill ski and snowboard experience
- Added support for Smart Notifications. Note: the Apple Notification Center Service (ANCS) feature requires an Apple iPhone equipped with Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology and iOS 7 or later. Enable in Setup > Bluetooth
- Added support for Garmin Connect Mobile app (iOS only, automatic uploads, LiveTrack, faster GPS from downloaded satellite data file, ability to download Courses and Workouts)
- Added support for Interval Workouts. Enable in Setup > Menu > Add Page > Workouts
- Added support for Workouts loaded from Garmin Connect (garminconnect.com)
- Added Bluetooth setting to be stored in profiles.
- Added cadence output when using Indoor mode with no Foot Pod.
- Added support for displaying next and final vertical distances during track navigation.
- Improved display of sunrise and sunset time when used on the time page.
- Improved average ascent, average descent, vertical speed and grade data fields.
- Improved speed to load details page
- Fixed issue with UTC time in watch mode
- Fixed issue with Final ETE alert
- Fixed issue with Jumpmaster
Changes made from version 3.70 to 4.00:
- Added project waypoint application. Setup > Menu to add.
- Improved virtual partner.
- Improved more and most intervals for the auto track method.
Changes made from version 3.50 to 3.70:
- Added recording of distance with cadence sensor for indoor activities
- Fixed potential issue with device becoming unresponsive after saving a track
- Fixed issue with display of average heart rate in FIT History
Changes made from version 3.40 to 3.50:
- Added support for VIRB Remote. Setup > Menu to add. See TrailTech(http://garmin.blogs.com/softwareupdates/2013/08/VIRB-remote.html) for more information.
- Added Virtual Partner (options found under Setup > Fitness > Virtual Partner)
Changes made from version 3.30 to 3.40:
- Added full support for GSC 10 Speed/Cadence bike sensor to allow calibration and display speed (options found under Setup > ANT Sensor > Bike Spd/Cad, Setup > Fitness > Bike Speed)
- Added 'UTC (24 hr)' option to alternate time zone list. This option displays UTC time in 24-hour format regardless of system settings
- Added support for 'Alt. Zones' to become a data page option
Changes made from version 3.20 to 3.30:
- Added support for new languages (transliterated): Croatian, Czech, Greek, Polish, Russian, Slovakian, and Slovenian. Note: Apply software update and then reconnect the device a second time to download the new language files.
Changes made from version 3.10 to 3.20:
- Added Indoor data page loop to profiles
- Added altitude to fit activities in Indoor mode
- Added '3D' speed and distance reporting. Includes both horizontal and vertical components in calculations. Setup > Sensors > Altimeter > 3D Data
- Added 'Ski Mode' setting for Auto Pause feature. Intended use for downhill/alpine skiing. Pause the tracking time while not moving or while moving upward on the ski lift. Setup > Tracks > Auto Pause
- Added 'Ski Mode' setting for Auto Lap feature. Intended use for downhill/alpine skiing. Lap extended to accommodate ski 'run' functionality. Use as an automatic run counter and to separate data for individual run statistics. Setup > Fitness > Auto Lap
- Added ELAPSED data field option, displaying total time since tracking/activity start (pause time is included)
- Fixed potential issue with calories being reset when a heart rate monitor disconnects
- Fixed potential issue with incorrect max speed
- Fixed alternate time zones during DST
- Fixed display of headings over 180 in Sight N Go application
- Fixed issue where Locating Satellites banner could appear when Indoor Training was started
- Fixed potential shutdown editing waypoint names with the degree symbol
- Fixed potential issue with .gpx files containing averaged waypoints
- Fixed potential issue leading to spikes in speed output
- Fixed potential issue causing battery to drain faster than normal
- Fixed potential issue when reordering menu items in Setup > Menu
- Fixed potential unit freeze when viewing geocache logs
- Fixed autozoom on the map
- Fixed potential issue locating satellites when marking a waypoint
- Fixed potential issue with elevation units when switching profiles
- Fixed potential issue where manually calibrated elevation would change back to a previous value
- Fixed potential shutdown using hold keys set to MOB
Changes made from version 3.00 to 3.10:
- Added Search Near capability to waypoint list, geocache list, and city list
- Added minimum and maximum speed alerts
- Improved calorie calculation
- Improved barometric pressure when GPS is off
- Improved time interval and distance interval alerts
- Improved 'til sunset' alert and now allow it to be set correctly in the hh:mm:ss format
- Fixed issue where track log points would not be logged in indoor training mode with the barometer set to fixed
- Fixed potential issue with daily and weekday alarm clock alarms
- Fixed issues with FIT files created while in UltraTrac mode
- Fixed issue with hiding tracks on the map
- Fixed potential issue where temperature, altimeter, and barometer sensor values could go invalid
- Fixed issue with waypoint name text in waypoint averaging application
- Fixed intermittent issues with alert messages
Changes made from version 2.90 to 3.00:
- Added ability to select Venezuela and UTC time zones
- Added continuous altimeter auto calibration mode
- Improved altimeter auto calibration. Settings are now: Off, At Start or Continuous. Use 'At Start' for an initial calibration from GPS when tracking has started. This will result in more consistent relative elevation change. Use 'Continuous' to continually calibrate the barometer towards the current GPS elevation. This will result in a more stable elevation during pressure changes due to weather.
- Improved ETE/ETA calculations so they are more responsive to speed changes
- Fixed cadence units overlap in bottom data field
- Fixed issue with proximity alerts when GPS was off
- Fixed potential issue with alert notification settings
- Fixed issue where Track and FIT History details did not match for the same activity
- Fixed issue with Time -> Til Sunset alert
Changes made from version 2.80 to 2.90:
- Added indoor training support http://garmin.blogs.com/softwareupdates/2012/11/getting-fit-with-fenix.html
- Added Foot Pod support
- Added FIT History to main menu ( moved from Tracks )
- Added additional details in FIT History
- Added Save as Track option to FIT History
- Added Delete option to FIT History
- Added ability to Pan the map when reviewing Tracks, Routes and Waypoints
- Added precision to heart rate zone data field
- Added feet/hr vertical speed units
- Improved vertical speed
- Improved ANT sensor connection reliability
- Improved calorie calculation
- Improved performance of elevation data in fixed altimeter mode when GPS is not running
- Improved performance of elevation data in sensors always on and sensors on demand modes
- Improved waypoint list length
- Fixed potential issue with alternate time zone DST calculations
- Fixed potential issue with the active track showing incorrectly on the map
- Fixed potential issue with Auto Light
- Fixed potential issue with spell search for waypoints
- Fixed potential issue with missing data when saving large FIT activities
- Fixed issues with entering negative elevation values
Changes made from version 2.70 to 2.80:
- Added ability to configure the Up and Down button behavior while viewing data pages (Setup > System > Hot Keys).
- Added 'Auto Light' feature (Setup > Display > Backlight > Auto Light) with options 'Off', 'After Sunset' and 'Always'. When enabled backlight is automatically activated for key presses, messages, alerts, alarms, and lap banners.
- Added 5 second option for Backlight Timeout.
- Improved logging of track points in timed track method (Setup > Tracks > Method > Time) to allow points to be logged without a GPS position.
- Improved FIT format support. Added markers for start/stop points and current speed/pace for each point.
- Improved responsiveness of Hot Keys during messages, alerts, alarms, and lap banners.
- Fixed potential issue with track log points being recorded when tracking has been paused.
- Fixed potential issue with selecting 'Go' to a chirp location.
- Fixed issue with proximity alerts only showing distance in miles.
- Fixed issue with menu options shown for archive tracks.
- Fixed issue with Demo Mode that could result in decreased battery life while in watch mode.
Changes made from version 2.60 to 2.70:
- Added ability to import Garmin Connect Courses as tracks for navigation, viewing on map, etc. Plan a course at http://connect.garmin.com/courses.
- Added ability to save FIT track files with more than 10,000 points (now number of points are only limited by memory available on device). Note: Setup>Tracks>Output must be set to 'FIT' only.
- Added Off Course alert (Alerts>Distance>Off Course).
- Added ability to configure the Back button behavior while viewing data pages (Setup>System>Hot Keys>Data Page Back).
- Added ability to set FIT activity type (Setup>Fitness>FIT Activity).
- Added percentage of max heart rate data fields (HR %MAX, AVG HR %, LAP HR %).
- Improved time to save track data. Note: the GPX track format results in large file sizes. For faster save times, additional storage space, and if track navigation, etc. is not required for the track being recorded, please consider setting Setup>Tracks>Output to 'FIT'.
- Improved compatibility of FIT files with some 3rd party websites.
- Improved display of distance data fields to show additional precision after 10 miles/kilometers.
- Improved calculation of ascent/descent data.
- Improved display of speed data field when greater than 100mph/kph.
- Fixed issues with display of grade data field.
- Fixed issues with displaying all tracks in the Tracks list.
- Fixed issues with back button usage in Map pan mode.
- Fixed issues when downloading chirp data.
- Fixed issue with Tone settings not being used properly when displaying the low battery message.
- Fixed issue with backlight that could result in decreased battery life while in watch mode.
Changes made from version 2.40 to 2.60:
- Added review of detailed fitness data when using FIT format. See Tracks>FIT History after saving track data.
- Added lap distance for each lap in FIT files.
- Added ability to set the notification type for auto pause and auto lap during setup.
- Fixed issue with ascent and decent fields.
- Fixed issue where invalid heart rate and cadence were shown in FIT files when the sensor was not connected.
- Fixed bike cadence reported in FIT files.
- Fixed issue with moving time and stopped time.
- Fixed elevation over distance plot.
- Fixed track distance, moving average, moving time, stopped time, pace and average speed shown in UltraTrac.
- Fixed reliability issue with the alarm clock.
- Fixed issue where some data fields would update when tracking was paused while GPS was still on.
- Fixed issue where FIT files were not written if you saved via the tracks menu and the output method was set to FIT or GPX/FIT.
- Fixed issues with editing a proximity alert.
- Fixed issue where average heart rate and average cadence values were never reset when clearing the track or resetting trip data.
- Fixed issue where incorrect ascent and descent are reported in FIT files on Garmin Connect
Changes made from version 2.30 to 2.40:
- Added Active Route application in GPS Tools.
- Added ability to set UltraTrac update as fast as 15 second intervals. ( Battery life varies according to interval )
- Improved information output in FIT files.
- Improved data page information in UltraTrac.
- Fixed issue when exiting pan mode on the map.
Changes made from version 2.20 to 2.30:
- Improved course navigation using the compass
- Improved vertical speed
- Improved calories calculation
- Improved navigation ETA/ETE calculations
- Improved time field in UltraTrac
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